Tag: prayer

blog to help followers of Jesus

From Panic Prayer to Purpose Prayer

We have all been in the place of panic prayer. Things have gone horribly wrong and you cry out for God to help you. There’s nothing wrong with that. But if that’s the only way you pray, you’ve got a big problem and something needs to change. Panic Prayer The disciples had at least one…
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May 14, 2020 0

Why Bible Reading is the Most Important Thing You Can Do

Bible reading is the most important factor in your spiritual growth. While prayer is essential, it is basically breathing out our experiences and requests and hearts to God. Bible reading is God breathing out his heart to us! The Bible is the story of God and how he has interacted with his people throughout history.…
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May 11, 2020 0

How to Adjust to the New Normal

What’s your new normal? We are living in unprecedented uncertainty. The new normal is wildly different depending on where you live and what you are allowed to do. Some people are working harder than ever and have no financial worries. Others wonder where their next meal is coming from. Some are greatly fearful for their…
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April 27, 2020 0

4 Practical Life Lessons from Acts

How does the book of Acts fit into your Bible reading? Confession – for a long time it was one of my least favorite books. I think it is natural to have changing feelings about various Bible books as you mature. This is part of God’s plan of revealing himself to his children. The book…
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April 20, 2020 0