Tag: promises

blog to help followers of Jesus

3 Transformational Life Lessons from Haggai

Years ago, I participated in a Wednesday evening Bible study. Each week we slowly worked our way through scripture, one book at a time. As we were about to wrap up another book, I asked for suggestions as to which book was next. Someone piped up and suggested Haggai. So, that’s what we did. We…
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December 30, 2019 0

3 Powerful Lessons from Joel

Have you ever really ventured into the Minor Prophets – those books from Hosea to Malachi tucked quietly into the Old Testament? Some of the books seem obscure but each has unique lessons to teach us. Here are three from Joel, and each is related to a promise. The Flip Side of the Promise We…
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September 3, 2019 0

Genesis – Lessons from Yesterday for Today!

Genesis is a foundational book in the Bible and is full of life lessons for every follower of Jesus. What are your favorite stories from this great book? What have you learned over the years? Here are some of the things that I have found. Jenny Smith The Power and Authority of God With the…
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June 12, 2018 0