5 Life Hacks for Maximum Impact

blog to help followers of Jesus

5 Life Hacks for Maximum Impact

September 27, 2018 Lifestyle 0

As followers of Jesus we are not called to be ordinary. We are to called to be life changers. So what can we do to be life changers right now? Jesus followers were changed by following him. You are being changed by following him.

Here are five simple things – life hacks – you can do right now to change your life and to change another life.


We have a tendency to ignore the simple things of life and evaluate them as unimportant. However, when we see how Jesus taught his disciples and what he had them do, we see that he had them do simple things. Don’t underestimate the power of these simple things. Exercise a little faith and then, do them!

The Five

Pray for someone. Continually pray for someone who is not a follower of Jesus that they might hear his call and begin to follow.

Love someone who doesn’t love you. A neighbor, a classmate, a co-worker, a store clerk — whoever! Start expressing love for that person.

Help the helpless. Find someone who is struggling and be a friend and encourager for them. There are people all around you that are struggling with something!

Refuse to fight! Instead of insisting on having your own way, seek to understand the other point of view.

Spend ten extra minutes each day reading your Bible. And don’t just read, pray as you read. Ask God, “What is here for me today?”

Your Turn

Nothing here is too hard. Some of it may be a little uncomfortable but it is all doable! Remember that when you are following Jesus he is right there with you all the time.

Remember the three things we do each day to follow and don’t give up on them.

It might be a good idea for you to think of five more things you can do that would look like a follower of Jesus. Take your time, pray about it and listen to what God lays on your heart.


Photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash