Discover and Live Up To Your Potential

blog to help followers of Jesus

Discover and Live Up To Your Potential

October 2, 2018 Lifestyle 0

What is your potential? Can you define it? Have you lived up to it?

I take a walk nearly every morning. I always walk forward. When I look ahead, I see the potential of my walk – where it will take me and some of what I will see.

When I look back on my life, I see numerous areas personal, professional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, relational and emotional where I did not live up to my potential. How about you?

Is there still hope?

Potential is all about the future. If you are reading this, you still have potential no matter what you have or have not achieved in the past.

Would it surprise you if I were to say that you have unlimited potential? Or would you feel more confident knowing that you have very limited potential? Of course, we do not know our potential!

Our potential is determined by God himself

Here is a biblical definition of your potential: “far more abundantly than all we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.” Ephesians 3:20 (ESV)

One thing you cannot do is look around at others to try to determine your potential. Consider two powerful prophets from the Old Testament: Elijah and Jeremiah.

Elijah was obedient to the call of God. In his ministry as a prophet, he raised the dead, stopped the rain for over three years, called down fire from heaven and started the rain again. He did much more than this, of course, but these incredible miracles demonstrated the power of God. It seemed like he may have lived up to his potential as a prophet.

Jeremiah was also obedient to the call of God. He declared everything he was told to declare and suffered greatly in his life. Although he didn’t do any miracles, he likely lived up to his potential as well.

God gives us each work to do in the kingdom. Ephesians 2:10 says: For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

The degree to which we walk in the way God has called us and do the work which he has prepared for us determines whether we live up to our potential. And, until you take your last breath, you can continue to live up to your potential.

How does your potential become your reality?

  1. Search the scriptures. Become a student of God’s word and let him plant his truth in your heart. Believe what you read and you will begin to see possibilities from God’s perspective. Just seeing what God has done will raise the ceiling on the expectations of what God could do in and through your life.
  2. Pray continually. Keep praying that God will use you. Listen to him as you pray. Share your heart with him. He will share his heart with you.
  3. Do the next thing God asks you to do. When we are obedient in small things, he starts doing big things in our lives.

It really is that simple.

A little over a year ago, I took the plunge into the blogging world. Althought, I didn’t know a thing about how I should proceed, I had a good teacher and did the work. I couldn’t imagine how that simple act would touch lives around the world.

How could I imagine that Jim the Follower would be read in over 100 countries in the world, as it is today!
Have I reached my potential?

I don’t think I have because I have an awesome God and I am convinced that he has even greater things in store for me.

Have you reached your potential?

As long as you draw breath, the next great thing is around the corner! You cannot even imagine what God might do with your life. It’s no use to speculate. It’s a waste of time to wonder. You must do!!

There are hundreds of posts on my web site and on medium to help you grow and reach toward your God-given potential. I am praying for you and am cheering you on!

I would love to hear your story and find out what God has done in your life. Share it here or on our Facebook page – or you can just drop me an email!

Photo by: Warren Wong