Prayers to Change You in 2019

blog to help followers of Jesus

Prayers to Change You in 2019

January 1, 2019 prayer 0

There are hundreds of ways to pray. There have been hundreds of books written about prayer. There are scores of prayers in the Bible. So what kind of prayer will change my life in 2019?

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Three Life Changing Prayers

If you are like me, you tend to get locked into a type of praying. I have a good biblical pattern for prayer that I follow but I need a change from time to time. These three prayers are truly life changing.


Prayers of praise have power!

Why is that so?

When we pray prayers of praise, it makes us recite all the reasons we praise God. We begin to reflect about his nature and power. Psalm 22:3 tells us that God is enthroned upon the praise of his people. Our prayers of praise elevate God and in so doing elevate us as well.

Prayers of praise raise our focus from our circumstances to the unchanging glory of God! It magnifies him and minimizes our problems.


Gratitude is a practice that is sorely neglected in western culture. We want more, now! And we never have enough.

Or do we?

Truly for most of us, we have few ‘needs.’ God provides all we need as we trust in him. We need to express thanks for all he has done.

How do you feel when you do something for someone and they don’t acknowledge it, let alone thank you?

Think about all that God has done for you and me. We should be overflowing with thanksgiving to him!

God is good, unchanging, faithful, wise and personal! Just taking a few minutes to think about these five things will give us all ample reasons for gratitude!


There is a powerful ministry of presence which is hard to describe but so real when experienced. God uses a ministry of presence to change the course of lives. So many times I have simply sat with someone through a difficult time and found out later how incredibly that time changed the course of a life!

How much more powerful when we simply sit in God’s presence. This kind of contemplation may be weak on expression but it is transformational in experience.

Try asking God to just sit in his presence. Try to set aside all your worries and cares and realize that he is with you! God’s presence is real and when we focus on him, without words, we can experience him.

Your Turn

As you continue your walk with Jesus, try these prayers and find out how they can touch your life and change your perspective.

It is so beneficial to us as we follow Jesus to take our eyes off ourselves and fix them on him! These prayer help us do that.

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