Lessons from 1 and 2 Samuel – How to Kill a Giant!

Photo by Victor Garcia on Unsplash
Every book in the Bible gives us lessons on how we are to live. Some books have many lessons. For example, Proverbs is full of lessons, hundreds of them.
Other books are more challenging to extract lessons for our daily lives. Narrative books like 1 and 2 Samuel must be read carefully with a goal of learning lessons, not just gaining information or being entertained.
The lessons from Samuel that I am sharing with you come from one small section of the book and from a story which is very familiar.
David and Goliath – 10 Lessons from 1 Samuel 17
One – Goliath shouts his defiance to Israel. This giant was so huge and powerful! The people were filled with fear. There’s a strong lesson here in his defiance but, sorry, you’ll have to wait a little longer to read this lesson!
Two – David arrives on the scene. In verse 26 he expresses his indignation that God and his chosen people should be so verbally insulted and abused.
Are we just as insulted when God comes under attack? Does it stir our hearts to contemplate what comes next?
Three – David expresses his feelings to those around him and his older brother, Eliab, hears him. David is chided by Eliab, which reminds us that those closest to us are often the ones who discourage and persecute us for our faith.
Four – David is not deterred. He knows that past experience prepares us for future challenges. He relates his encounters with lions and bears to King Saul to assure him that he is fully able to face the giant.
Five – Faith matters. “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” (verse 37 – ESV)
Our faith in God is powerful because it links us to his power! With this faith it is much harder to fear the giant!
Six – You can’t wear someone else’s armor! David was given the armor of Saul. But he couldn’t wear it because it didn’t fit. Sometimes we try to wear someone else’s armor. We are each uniquely equipped to do the work God has given us to do. Trying to do God’s work by copying someone else doesn’t usually work!
Seven – What is that in your hand? David had a sling and chose five smooth stones. He realized that when God was on his side, he had enough.
Sometimes, we want to wait until we are ready. Do you ever stop to think that maybe you are ready right now?
Best Lesson Ever!
Eight – The lesson I love the most – Can you identify the true underdog?
David approached the giant. He had a sling, a few rocks and a stick. Goliath had a spear, a sword, full body armor and an armor bearer (for the extra stuff). David was a humble shepherd. Goliath was a seasoned warrior.
Everyone in the valley ‘knew’ that David didn’t stand a chance. Down to this day, everyone identifies David as the underdog.
But David knew differently. He knew that with God on his side, Goliath was the true underdog. With apologies to underdog story lovers everywhere, Goliath was the true underdog that day. And we know what happened to him.
When you face the enormous challenges of life, you can know that if you are following Jesus, there is nothing that is too hard for you. He leads you in a path that requires his help and power and he gives it to you. Following Jesus, you are never the underdog, even if it feels like you are!
Nine – God uses what we have. Remember lesson seven – what is in your hand? God uses what is in your hand. He gave it to you. You can trust him. Whatever he has equipped you with in life is sufficient to face every trial. He is always there to give you a supernatural lift!
Ten – Victory by one inspires many. With Goliath defeated, the discouraged army was now filled with courage and charged to the attack!
Now, the promised lesson one – evil lies. The giant promised that if the champion for Israel would defeat him, the Philistines would become servants to the people of Israel (verse 9) but instead the Philistines fled and continued to fight against Israel.
The temptations that face you, the challenges that try to discourage you are all reinforced with lies that seem to make sense. Listen, instead, to the voice of God and the encouragement of Jesus as you walk through life.
Your Turn
Have these lessons encouraged you?
What lessons are there from 1 and 2 Samuel that have helped you?
I would love to hear your comments and I would love for you to share this with others.
Strive to be David this year. Don’t let the Goliaths get you down. Remember who is with you!
Now available is the complete: Transformational Life Lessons from the Bible in Kindle format. Click here for more information.
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We need that daily encouragement to know that GOD keeps his people safe and do not be afraid
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