Suffering – Lessons We Learn From Job

blog to help followers of Jesus

Suffering – Lessons We Learn From Job

March 19, 2019 Mindset 0

If you or someone you know is suffering, there is no better book to read than Job.  The lessons we learn there establish a new paradigm about suffering.

Photo by Raj Eiamworakul on Unsplash

As much as we want them, there are no easy answers for suffering. It’s uncomfortable, it alters our perceptions and raises negative emotions. It must be dealt with or it can ruin us.

Here’s some of what we can learn from Job.

It is not necessarily punishment. “Why is God doing this to me? Am I being punished?” The book of Job and my own experience tells me that our suffering is almost never punishment. It is the course of life on a cursed planet! Sometimes suffering is self-inflicted. I’ve seen it happen. Sometimes it’s the result of poor life or health choices or a destructive lifestyle. And sometimes, it just happens!

Perspective matters. It’s almost impossible to have the right perspective when going through a difficult time. Physical and emotional pain make it hard to see things as they are. Only God has an accurate perspective. Getting as close as we can to God helps us gain the right perspective, too. It is that viewpoint that helps us the most in understanding and coping with what we are going through.

Comfort is essential. If you can’t be encouraging, shut up! Job’s friends didn’t help at all. When we are with someone going through a difficult chapter in their lives, they don’t need to hear criticism! Quiet presence is often the best gift. Words like: “I told you this would happen,” are not helpful. If you think that the suffering is deserved or the result of bad choices or even God’s punishment, just keep your opinion to yourself. It’s not helpful.

Worship is still possible. After the first wave of suffering hit him, Job worshiped. Our suffering doesn’t change the nature of God. He is still worthy of worship. You may not feel like worshiping when your going through it but worshiping is still good and may even help and encourage you.

Despair is natural. It’s not wrong to voice your anguish. It’s okay to ask God why. Understand, though, that you may never know the answer to that question. Job never found out. Just don’t give up hope. Even in his darkest hours, Job found a way to express hope he still had – even if it was only a tiny sliver!

Everything may work out. It did for Job. However, it doesn’t always. Sometimes suffering ends in death. Of course, if you are following Jesus, death is not the end and you can argue that it’s the best ending possible! Suffering is only temporary. It may be short or long but it will end. Keep your faith intact even if it is tattered.

Your Turn

The book of Job can help us weather any kind of suffering in our lives. God works through his word to encourage and form us into the people he would have us be.

If you are suffering right now, hold on. It will pass.

If you know someone who is suffering, encourage them with some love and kind words.

As always, you can leave a comment here or on our Facebook page.

Now available is the complete: Transformational Life Lessons from the Bible in Kindle format. Click here for more information.