Overcoming Discouragement

Discouragement is a fact of life therefore overcoming discouragement is essential to healthy living.
We can become discouraged by many things. Everyday circumstances in our lives include health issues, family problems, employment concerns, financial stress, spiritual weaknesses, realistic fears, social anxiety, loneliness and uncertainty. That is a daunting list!
Some things that lead to discouragement can be dealt with readily enough, but other things seem to linger. In my experience, prolonged discouragement increases our chances of developing depression which is powerfully debilitating. (Keep in mind that I am not a psychologist or mental health professional, but I offer my years of experience in helping others and myself through seasons of discouragement and even depression.)
So, what can be done when we are faced with discouragement that seems to linger? What are some keys to overcoming discouragement?
The first word
I want to stress that experiencing discouragement or depression is not a sign of weak faith or a character flaw. Our minds are complex; our lives are sometimes a tangled web of contradictions, conflicts, challenges and difficulties. Being caught up in discouragement doesn’t mean you have failed. Experiencing life means that not everything always goes our way. Discouragement becomes a natural response to difficult circumstances that seem to want to endure.
I am not talking about isolating yourself but isolating the cause of your discouragement. What is causing you to be discouraged? Once you have identified what is causing your discouragement, you can take the next step. Keep that specific circumstance from infecting your entire life. Stay away from it as much as possible. Of course, sometimes ‘as much as possible’ isn’t very much but the effort is important.
When there is something that is causing you to be discouraged, there are many things that are not causing it. List those things that are going well, that lift you up or encourage you. Take your time in thinking about and listing those things. Even little things are important to remember.
Spend more time thinking about the positives rather than the negatives. This requires some discipline and prayer. Ask God to help you focus on the good things he has given you. Ask him to renew you so that you can focus on those good things.
Once you are in a good frame of mind, you can evaluate the cause of your discouragement. Is there a course of action you can employ to lessen its impact in your life? Can you eliminate the cause from your life? If there is a way to fix the situation, begin the process.
Exercise faith
God can see you through any situation. He will help you as you faithfully follow his leadership. Even as we follow Jesus, we will encounter discouraging situations and conditions. Often, we will even feel helpless in the face of it all. However, his power is greater than anything we can imagine.
Seek professional help
When our discouragement seems to have plunged us into depression, it is likely time to look for professional help. I believe that God can heal even the most debilitating mental illness but he often uses mental healthcare professionals to do it. Just as we would go to the doctor for many physical ailments, we should do so for prolonged discouragement or depression.
Overcoming discouragement can be as complex as life itself but you must never give up. God can sustain you through the journey if you trust in him. It may not be quick and easy but remember that God’s power can be made perfect in our weakness, when we believe. Day by day as we walk in faith, he will help us.
Your turn
Two things you can do. First, if you are in need of overcoming discouragement, start right now. If this has helped you, that’s good. If it has not helped you enough, talk to someone – your pastor, a spiritual mentor, another trusted follower of Jesus.
Second, if you know someone who is discouraged share this with them. Post it on your social media feeds. And certainly, pray for them.
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