
blog to help followers of Jesus

3 Powerful Life Lessons from Romans

There are so many life lessons in Romans that it is nearly impossible to select just a few. A few years back I taught through the book of Romans. I didn’t cover every chapter and it still took over 50 hours to explore all the deep and sublime lessons of this wonderful book. I have…
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May 4, 2020 0

Why Faithfulness is Essential to Your Life

Faithfulness might be the most important quality you can have in life. In recent days, my mom celebrated her 90th birthday and, nearing his 93rd birthday, my Uncle left this earth for heaven. Reflecting on their lives, as well as my dad’s, I see the common thread of faithfulness as being all important. Often, we…
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April 30, 2020 0

How to Adjust to the New Normal

What’s your new normal? We are living in unprecedented uncertainty. The new normal is wildly different depending on where you live and what you are allowed to do. Some people are working harder than ever and have no financial worries. Others wonder where their next meal is coming from. Some are greatly fearful for their…
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April 27, 2020 0

A Spiritual Check-up To Help You To Thrive

Spiritual Check-up time! Now that most of us have a little extra time on our hands, why not take the time to see where we stand spiritually. It is good to know where we stand. There are several scriptures we could use to help us with this, but we will use Ephesians 1:15-23. This is…
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April 23, 2020 1