
blog to help followers of Jesus

Overcoming Discouragement

Discouragement is a fact of life therefore overcoming discouragement is essential to healthy living. We can become discouraged by many things. Everyday circumstances in our lives include health issues, family problems, employment concerns, financial stress, spiritual weaknesses, realistic fears, social anxiety, loneliness and uncertainty. That is a daunting list! Some things that lead to discouragement…
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September 7, 2023 0

Whatever Happened to Faith?

Faith is credited with not only salvation but healing and deliverance in the pages of the Bible. Why don’t we see more of these miracles today in an era of increased mental and physical illness? Some believe that miracles such as this no longer happen and that they were confined to the age of the…
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August 31, 2023 0

Compassionate Action – it Can Change a Life!

Compassionate action is both demanding and essential in the life of the follower of Jesus. It requires determination, empathy, emotions and, for most people, places them well outside their comfort zone. Western culture grows more critical, confrontational and judgmental every day. It is clear that those suffering and most in need of help are often…
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August 24, 2023 0

3 Keys to Overcoming Anger

Is your anger uncontrollable? I was once very angry. My anger was violent and disruptive (but, fortunately, never criminal). My story When I was a boy, I had a violent temper. I had fights with friends and family. I damaged property and rage took hold of me in an overwhelming way. Oddly, by nature I…
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August 17, 2023 0