
blog to help followers of Jesus

Jesus is Coming Again – What Should You Do?

Jesus told us he was coming again. One day, Jesus presented some important truths for his disciples to contemplate and respond to. What can we do today to be ready for when he comes again? He introduces the topic Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he answered them, “The…
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April 5, 2019 2

Three Places to Search for Treasure!

Have you ever lost something? Is there a treasure or a secret that you need to find? What if the most important thing in your life was hidden and you just needed to uncover it? If you knew where to search and what you would find, you wouldn’t hesitate to begin right now. So what…
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April 2, 2019 0

The Demon Teaches a Lesson?

Surely not! How can a demon teach us a lesson about following Jesus? Well, it’s subtle but it’s there. This simple, short story is a snapshot of why we should pay attention to what Jesus said and did! Whatever Jesus did and whatever he said, teach us lessons about how we are to live. Here…
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March 29, 2019 0

What Does It Mean to Abide and Why Is It Important?

There have been times when I felt I was really abiding in Jesus. Then there have been times when I have to admit, not so much! What does it mean to abide, how can we abide and why should we abide? First, who needs to abide? The answer: everyone who believes in him. If we…
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March 26, 2019 0