
blog to help followers of Jesus

Why We Need the Gospel of Peace More Than Ever

The gospel of peace is essential if we are to maintain a powerful and positive witness for Jesus in our world. 2024 will see elections held in over 60 countries. Politics is becoming hyper-partisan and more divisive; rhetoric in campaigning, advertising and reporting more incendiary and people are increasingly emotionally invested in their own political…
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January 16, 2024 1

What are Disputable Matters?

And How Do We Handle Them? As followers of Jesus, we all have different experiences, perspectives and understanding of various parts of God’s Word. While we all agree on the major points of theology, there are some things that are less than clear in scripture, which we frequently understand differently. I want to point out…
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January 9, 2024 0

Sabbath or Sunday – When do we Worship?

What day should we gather to worship: the Sabbath or Sunday? For some this seems to be an all-important question. For others, it is confusing. So, let’s look at it from a biblical perspective. The Sabbath Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but…
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January 2, 2024 0

Life Lessons from Titus

Titus is a short book written by Paul to a pastor named Titus. In it he provides guidance for the pastor’s life as well as for his church. That makes the book so relevant today. It provides lessons for daily living and ministry. Here are some of those lessons. Stewardship We tend to favor ownership.…
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December 14, 2023 0