
blog to help followers of Jesus

How is the Call of Ezekiel Relevant Today?

Sometimes, it’s a struggle to understand how parts of God’s word are relevant today. The call of Ezekiel is a bit like that. There are some strong lessons we can learn from Ezekiel’s call when we understand it in view of the context of God’s Word – particularly the function of the prophets and the…
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July 14, 2018 0

Lessons in Leviticus

What is the hardest book you have ever tried to read? How about the hardest book you have ever been successful at finishing? What is the hardest book in the Bible? Many would answer without hesitation: Leviticus. Priscilla Du Preez Taking time to list lessons in Leviticus helped me to understand the importance of this…
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July 10, 2018 0

Do You Have to Give?

What does money have to do with following Jesus? I mean, do you really have to give in order to be a follower? Niels Steeman From my experience, there are two things that are true about money and the church. People don’t like it when it is preached. It makes them uncomfortable. Money is important…
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July 7, 2018 0

How Your Faith Can Change Things Dramatically

Can your faith make a difference against overwhelming odds? What could happen if you would step out in faith? There is a story in the Bible that encourages our faith and helps us realize that faith can change lives forever! Alex Radelich In 1 Samuel 13 and 14, we read about a devastating problem facing…
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July 3, 2018 1