
blog to help followers of Jesus

Do You Have to Give?

What does money have to do with following Jesus? I mean, do you really have to give in order to be a follower? Niels Steeman From my experience, there are two things that are true about money and the church. People don’t like it when it is preached. It makes them uncomfortable. Money is important…
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July 7, 2018 0

How Your Faith Can Change Things Dramatically

Can your faith make a difference against overwhelming odds? What could happen if you would step out in faith? There is a story in the Bible that encourages our faith and helps us realize that faith can change lives forever! Alex Radelich In 1 Samuel 13 and 14, we read about a devastating problem facing…
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July 3, 2018 1

Why Do We Suffer and What Should We Do About It?

When I was young, I heard about the patience of Job. I didn’t really get it then. And I don’t really get it now! I have read this book a hundred times! I still don’t see the patience of Job! What do I see? Suffering, response and a lesson or two about what we do…
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June 29, 2018 0

Seven Strong Life Lessons From Exodus

Every book in the Bible has lessons that are timeless. Exodus has many lessons but today I want to share seven of my favorite lessons with you. This is part of a series that gives lessons from every book of the Bible! I would love for you to join me on this journey. I will…
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June 26, 2018 0