Category: Bible Reading

blog to help followers of Jesus

Lessons from the Books of Chronicles

Every book of the Bible teaches us something. In fact, there are many lessons to be learned in every book! If we are patient, we can extract lessons that help us understand God and ourselves just a little better. There are numerous passages in 1 and 2 Chronicles which are challenging. The books recount the…
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January 25, 2019 4

Lessons from Kings

The books of 1 and 2 Kings provide us with the narrative of the ancient kingdom of Israel and how God dealt with his people. It contains plenty of lessons on how He works and how we are to live. 7 Lessons One – the Power of Presence And when the priests came out of…
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January 11, 2019 0

Powerful Life Lessons from the Book of Ruth

Do you ever wonder why certain books are in the Bible? Ruth is a very short book with a wonderfully compelling story but is there more than inspirational entertainment here? These lessons take us beyond the story and begin to unravel the mystery about how God works in the world. Paz Arando Three great lessons…
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October 23, 2018 0

Life Lessons From Judges

Does dysfunction teach us anything? Can we truly learn from someone else’s mistakes? I hope so because it is far less painful than learning from our own failures! Photo by: Luke Palmer Judges is a study in failure, with a few successes sprinkled in. Because there are many failures, we also see many lessons. Here…
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October 9, 2018 0