Category: habits

blog to help followers of Jesus

10 Principles to Strengthen Your Prayer Life

Is your prayer life everything it needs to be? When you are in crisis, do your prayers make a difference? What have you accomplished lately in prayer? Jesus is our example in prayer. His life was a life of prayer that teaches us. We can see from Jesus example the prayer principles he used and…
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October 14, 2017 1

Overcoming Evil in the World – 7 Strategies You Can Use

Do not be overcome by evil… Romans 12:21 (ESV) We live in a world of evil. We see it all around us. Politicians denounce it. Social Activists demonstrate against it.  We all wonder if we will be swallowed up by it. It inspires fear and can bring out the worst in us. But it can…
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September 19, 2017 0

Interview With Rev. Hal Perkins

Rev. Hal Perkins is the author of several books including Walk With Me, If Jesus Were A Parent and Discipled by Jesus. After 40 years of pastoral ministry, Hal and his wife, Debbi, now travel the country helping people make disciples that will make disciples. We had an opportunity to sit and talk at the…
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July 27, 2017 0

What Are You Hungry For?

Photo Credit: _John Hikins Flickr via Compfight cc How does your hunger influence how you live? Do you build your life around it? How do you make sure your hunger is healthy and good and not destructive? Followers of Jesus have some specific things they hunger for: His voice. Hearing the voice of the one…
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June 20, 2017 0