
blog to help followers of Jesus

You are a Jar of Clay – What’s that Mean?

You are a jar of clay. I am a jar of clay. What does that mean? We also carry a treasure! What is the treasure? What are we supposed to do about it? Annie Spratt But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not…
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June 8, 2018 0

Faith, Renovation and Intercession – They all Come Together Here

What happens when a story has so many lessons that it’s hard to keep up? In a few words in Mark 2, we learn about faith, persistence, human nature, God’s grace, power and authority – and intercession! If we would take one lesson each day this week from this passage and let it saturate our…
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June 5, 2018 0

God Calls You to Life in the Spirit, but First…

As followers of Jesus, we follow all the way. That means that we live in the power of the Spirit. To truly live in the Spirit is to live in the power of the resurrection. But there is no resurrection without a crucifixion. And my experience is this: it is much harder to die to…
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June 1, 2018 0

4 Things to do to Make a Positive Difference – and Maybe Change Your World

Do you want to make a difference in the world – or at least in your world? Do you want to leave a positive mark? Nehemiah made a difference that changed history – at least a little. And his life shows how you can make a difference, too. The story starts like this: Nehemiah heard…
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May 29, 2018 0