Tag: Bible

blog to help followers of Jesus

Three Effective Methods to Study the Bible

Bible study was a mysterious activity for me for a long time. It is essential for spiritual growth so I found some effective methods to study. I’ve labeled them: good, better and best. I will get to them in a minute but first we must cover some foundational concepts. Your Bible What version or translation…
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April 23, 2019 3

What Does It Mean to Abide and Why Is It Important?

There have been times when I felt I was really abiding in Jesus. Then there have been times when I have to admit, not so much! What does it mean to abide, how can we abide and why should we abide? First, who needs to abide? The answer: everyone who believes in him. If we…
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March 26, 2019 0

Lessons from the Books of Chronicles

Every book of the Bible teaches us something. In fact, there are many lessons to be learned in every book! If we are patient, we can extract lessons that help us understand God and ourselves just a little better. There are numerous passages in 1 and 2 Chronicles which are challenging. The books recount the…
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January 25, 2019 4

Lessons from 1 and 2 Samuel – How to Kill a Giant!

Every book in the Bible gives us lessons on how we are to live. Some books have many lessons. For example, Proverbs is full of lessons, hundreds of them. Other books are more challenging to extract lessons for our daily lives. Narrative books like 1 and 2 Samuel must be read carefully with a goal…
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January 4, 2019 1