Tag: comfort

blog to help followers of Jesus

Compassionate Action – it Can Change a Life!

Compassionate action is both demanding and essential in the life of the follower of Jesus. It requires determination, empathy, emotions and, for most people, places them well outside their comfort zone. Western culture grows more critical, confrontational and judgmental every day. It is clear that those suffering and most in need of help are often…
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August 24, 2023 0

6 Benefits to Belonging to the Church

What do you get out of belonging to the church? I am talking about the church in the proper sense, that is, the body of Christ as expressed in a local body of believers. What should that look like for each individual? While there is no such thing as an ideal church, every church that…
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January 26, 2023 0

Suffering – Lessons We Learn From Job

If you or someone you know is suffering, there is no better book to read than Job.  The lessons we learn there establish a new paradigm about suffering. As much as we want them, there are no easy answers for suffering. It’s uncomfortable, it alters our perceptions and raises negative emotions. It must be dealt…
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March 19, 2019 0