Seven Keys for Endurance

blog to help followers of Jesus

Seven Keys for Endurance

April 19, 2017 Follow Jesus 0

Endurance is the key to almost everything good. We need endurance because sometimes life is hard! And when things are tough we need to be able to continue without losing hope or giving up!

To follow Jesus we need endurance. Following Jesus comes with opposition. As a follower of Jesus, you will be misunderstood, ridiculed or ignored. To endure we need faith. Endurance requires some work! It is hard to endure but it is necessary!

Endurance brings great reward. Paul urged the Galatian churches: do not grow weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9)

How do you endure?

  1. Keep your eyes on the goal.  You are following Jesus. He is providing a vision of what your life will be like. Stay focused on him!
  2. Remember that hardship is always temporary. Just make it through the next day, or hour, or minute. Realize that you can do it!
  3. Know that all things worthwhile take time. The most permanent things around us took a long time to build! Your life takes a whole lifetime to build!
  4. Keep encouraging words and truth ringing in your ears! Read your Bible. Find other encouraging words to help you.
  5. Pray – ask God to help you endure.
  6. Keep your perspective clear! This encompasses previous five points. You are not defined by your present hardship or difficulty.
  7. Keep your head up! Be strong and stay true to your decision to follow. Your reward will be great!

Endurance grows with time. The more we experience the successful results of endurance the more determined we become to stay with it!

You cannot give up at the first sign of trouble or resistance. You cannot give up when you are disappointed or your expectations are not met. Keep on taking those steps of faith as you follow Jesus and as you follow your God-given dream!

Take encouragement and catch a vision of your life! Read this: Three Simple Steps to Change Your World