
blog to help followers of Jesus

7 Essentials for Endurance

To follow Jesus we need endurance. In fact, for almost every good thing in life we need endurance. We need endurance because life is hard. Following Jesus comes with opposition. It requires faith. It requires some work! Endurance brings great reward. Paul urged the Galatian churches: do not grow weary in doing good for at…
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October 11, 2018 0

Life Lessons From Judges

Does dysfunction teach us anything? Can we truly learn from someone else’s mistakes? I hope so because it is far less painful than learning from our own failures! Photo by: Luke Palmer Judges is a study in failure, with a few successes sprinkled in. Because there are many failures, we also see many lessons. Here…
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October 9, 2018 0

Discover and Live Up To Your Potential

What is your potential? Can you define it? Have you lived up to it? I take a walk nearly every morning. I always walk forward. When I look ahead, I see the potential of my walk – where it will take me and some of what I will see. When I look back on my…
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October 2, 2018 0

5 Life Hacks for Maximum Impact

As followers of Jesus we are not called to be ordinary. We are to called to be life changers. So what can we do to be life changers right now? Jesus followers were changed by following him. You are being changed by following him. Here are five simple things – life hacks – you can…
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September 27, 2018 0