Tag: power

blog to help followers of Jesus

How Your Faith Takes You to the Glory of the Unseen

There must be something driving every follower of Jesus. What is it that compels and motivates us to continue and persevere in this life? The world opposes the ways of God. How do we keep strong and determined? Aziz Acharki Simply, God’s presence and power encourages us and his word continually inspires us. This passage…
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June 15, 2018 0

Can You Have A Personal Pentecost?

Have you ever experienced something that changed the entire trajectory of your life? Have you been part of something that changed the course of history? If you are following Jesus, the answer to these questions is ‘yes.’ But there is so much more – Pentecost! Jiawei Chen When we look at the event as recorded…
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May 25, 2018 0

7 Awesome Things God Does for You

Adrihani Rashid Have you taken time lately to reflect on how awesome God is? I sometimes rush through my day without really thinking about God as much as I should. How about you? The Psalms help me slow down and contemplate the God we serve – the God who sent his son, Jesus into the…
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February 2, 2018 0

This Changes Everything – Promise and Prayer

I know, you’ve heard it before. You may be eager or cynical when you hear words like: this changes everything. I approach words like this with great caution. But I am overwhelmed when I think about a few words that Paul wrote to the Ephesians. Nearly every follower of Jesus has heard them. But have…
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January 26, 2018 0